Interesting Facts/ Few Lines on Lakes

Interesting Facts/ Few Lines on Lakes
  • Lakes are sources of freshwater.
  • A lake is surrounded by land, which protects its water from major disturbances.
  • Unlike rivers, lakes do not have fast flowing water, crashing waterfalls or rushing rapids.
  • The calm water offers an ideal home for plants and fish, which attract fish-eating birds as well as animals that come out to drink at the shoreline.
  • Usually, rivers or streams flow into and out of lakes.  This flow keeps the lake water fresh.
  • Water flowing in from rivers and streams refills a lake.  
  • Water flowing out of a lake carries away salt, other minerals and chemicals.
  • Evaporation is one way lakes can lose water.
  • Lakes may be quite small or very big.  Tiny lakes are usually called ponds.
  • Lakes do not stay the same.  The forces of nature can create new lakes and make existing lakes bigger or smaller.
  • The Caspian Sea, between Europe and Asia is the largest lake on Earth.
  • Water lilies and other plants that float on the surface of a lake provide shelter to many different animals.
  • An amazing variety of fish, birds and other animals have adapted, or learned to survive, in the unique conditions that exist in a freshwater lake.
  • The survival of animals, plants, and millions of people all around the world depends on having supplies of clean water.
  • Herons, storks are long-legged wading birds wait patiently to catch the fish in the lakes when it comes to the surface.
  • Flamingos can find their favorite foods like algae, shrimps and insect larvae.
  • Pelicans wade in the water chasing fish, open their beaks and scoop fish into their throat pouches.
  • Lakes are valuable to us.  Some people do not take good care of lakes.
  • If we do not protect lakes, their freshwater and all the living things that need it will be in danger.
  • Some lakes dry up in the hottest months and others freeze over in winter.
  • Over the years, people have become careless about keeping lake water fresh and available.
  • Cities and factories sometimes dump waste into rivers, and the polluted water flows into lakes.   When the lake becomes polluted, animals and plants start to die.
  • Diverting rivers can leave the lake without water supply and cause the lake to dry up.
  • Many plants and animals depend on lakes for their survival.  We must take proper care of them.

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