Long Essay on Values of Games

Long Essay on Values of Games


Games and sports

Games – Recreation activity

The diversion for the mind

Qualities learned from playing games

The skill of playing games

Indoor and outdoor games


“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is a well-known saying.


Man has a body, a mind, and a spirit.  Education teaches about earning his livelihood.  But education cannot ignore the physical side of man.  Man has to take care of the body.  Games are a means to keep the body healthy and fit.  Playing games is a way of exercise to have good health.  Games and sports are a necessary part of our life. Playing games makes our minds fresh and strong.  

Games and sports:

Studies and sports go hand in hand.  If one is good a studies and excludes games, then he becomes a dull person.  If one is good at games and excludes studies, he cannot succeed in education.  Hence games and sports are important recreation activities.  Nowadays children do not have time to play games in the park or in the playground.  Specific time has to be spent on sports to keep our body fit.  Evenings are ideal times to play.  After studying full day at school, they could spend their time in the evening for play.  Their mind becomes fresher after play.  This helps them to study more with good concentration.

“Games lubricate the body and mind” – Benjamin Franklin

Games – recreation activity:

Games are excellent recreation activities.  Recreation refreshes both the body and the mind.  He escapes from all types of stress by this recreation activity.  After full day school or full day of office work, playing games as a recreation activity in the evening makes their body and mind healthy and peaceful.  Their body gets refreshed and active.  This is because of the involvement and the interest in playing games.

“Life is more fun if you play games” – Roald Dahl

The diversion for the mind:

Games are a diversion for the mind. When one concentrates on playing games, he forgets everything else. He gets involved in the game.   By regular practice of games, one can master the game.  He becomes an expert in a particular game by regular practice.  He acquires the art of playing the game.  It also makes them active and energetic, their bodies strong, and keeps them healthy. 

Qualities learned from playing games:

By playing games, a person learns to be honest by playing fair play, learns discipline by following the rules of the games, learns punctuality by following the timeline, learns obedience by following the words of the Team Captain, and learns the lesson of accepting defeat with a smile.  Defeat does not depress a true sportsman.  This lesson helps him in day to day life.  Life is full of misfortunes, failures and games help to withstand all these and proceed on. He also learns about Team spirit in winning the game and also about leadership quality.

The skill of playing games:

A person’s interest in playing games and regular practice makes him best in that game.  Matches and tournaments are conducted to test their skill in games.  Medals and other awards are an incentive to players to achieve excellence in their respective fields. This boosts the player to play more and give their best.

“All games are meaningless if you do not know the rules” – B K S Iyengar

Indoor games and Outdoor games:

There are some games which are played inside the house or club.  They are indoor games like Chess, Carom Board, Table Tennis, ludo, building blocks, etc.  If the games are played outside in the open ground, they are outdoor games.  Some examples are Cricket, Tennis, Badminton, Running race, football, basketball, etc.


Physical and mental education go hand in hand.  So, games are really important for the all-round development of one’s personality. Constant coaching has a vital role in the shaping of good sportsmen.  Nowadays, good players who have made a mark in the world of sports are given a quota in jobs.  Being a good sportsman helps in getting a good job.  Thus playing games helps us to keep our body fit and healthy free from all types of diseases.  It helps to be energetic and active always.

 “We do not stop playing because we grow old.  We grow old because we stop playing” – Benjamin Franklin