Essay on Discipline

Essay on Discipline

Discipline is the most important quality that shapes a person.  Discipline is very important for life.  It helps a man to live in an orderly manner.  Discipline has to be followed both at the house and at work.  It is needed for the progress of an individual as well as a nation.  Only a disciplined person can achieve success in all aspects of life. Discipline is the obedience to certain rules of behavior and has some control over one’s freedom.  If there is no discipline, it leads to confusion everywhere. Every child should inculcate this habit from the beginning. In fact, the two important places for teaching children about discipline is the school and the home.

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most” – Abraham Lincoln.

Firstly, it is good that every School should conduct a moral science class which teaches them the value of honesty and discipline.  Discipline includes punctuality, respect, good actions, good words, and good character.  Generally in schools, there is a saying, “Discipline first, education next.”  Education is next to Discipline.  Here we can understand the importance of discipline. Secondly, Children should follow discipline at home.  They follow their parents and parents themselves should have discipline.  The habits that we acquire by being disciplined will last with us our life long.  Getting up early in the morning, brushing, doing exercises like walking, preparing one’s own food, studying, going to school on time, doing home works promptly are examples of discipline. 

Overall, today’s children are the future citizens of India.  Following discipline from a young age, helps the growth of our nation.  Hard work, perseverance, and discipline are three pillars of a man to achieve success. Hence it is important to guide the children in the right way so that they can be responsible when they grow up.  This helps the nation to grow and prosper well.  Discipline helps the students to be good at studies, good behavior at home and at school.

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